Coffered ceilings

Coffered ceilings in an interior

A ceiling plays a huge role in interiors design. Its height greatly affects the perception of volume. The higher a ceiling is, the larger and more spacious a room appears. Recently, the trend of using conventional plasterboard constructions is gradually receding, giving way to more interesting solutions.

Wooden coffered ceilings

If you design a ceiling with coffering, accept in advance the loss of 10 to 25 cm from the total height of a room, depending on the material used and the profile complexity of future coffers.

Our coffered ceilings have complex construction characterized by technological effectiveness, where attention is paid to each operation in an installation chain. We don’t skimp on what is hidden behind perfectly fitted cladding and joinery manufacturing. We guarantee an impressive service life of premises for several generations to come.

Coffered ceilings

Coffered ceilings with inlay


Coffers, as an architectural element, have existed for several generations in the post-and-beam system. In ancient times, a ceiling weight was reduced by using recesses of different shapes and sizes (in the future, coffers) reducing the load without compromising strength of a structure.

In modern construction, coffers can have both aesthetic meaning and structural and decorative functions. They can be used to improve acoustical properties of a room, create various visual effects (for example, visually increase the height of a ceiling or vault), or serve as recessions for lamps.

Coffered ceilings

Coffered ceilings are the luxury of the retrograde era, the whim of modernity, the signature of a style. Based on the ancient Rome architectural beginnings, coffered ceilings are most often used in interior decoration by English, French, traditional American and colonial styles supporters. These very styles have absorbed the maximum of ancient architectural canons and, having passed the centuries, became the reference classics.

 Coffered ceilings

Project review

Banquet hall in the Riviera Business Centre
Children's room interior
Room inventory - Fairmont Grand Hotel
Laconic bedroom in a country house
Glass staircase in an interior
Luxury bedroom interior design
Lounge interior design, Hilton apartments
Dressing room in a classic interior
Hotel room inventory interior design
Classical-style dressing room
Bathroom in beige tones
Luxurious light bedroom
Living room palace interior
Wright-style house, Ukraine
Palace-style living room interior
French windows
Kitchen project for a seven-storey villa
Bedroom interior design
Luxurious lobby interior, private residency
Living room interior with dining area
Banquet hall interior design
Presidential suite in Arabian style, Hilton
Palace windows for a luxury villa
Royal bedroom
Billiard room design
Lounge interior, Hilton
Room inventory interior design, Hyatt hotel
Design project of a bathroom in classic style
Presidential suite interior in the Hilton hotel, Uzbekistan
Study interior design for a private residence
Study interior, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Meeting room, classic-style interior
Dining room in neoclassical style
Bedroom interior in the Hilton Hotel
Kitchen in beige tones
Living room interior with a shocking solution
Wooden panels in a living room interior
Ceremonial hall interior design
Royal living room interior
Private residence living room interior
Meeting room interior
Leisure room interior with oriental motifs
Palace-style bedroom interior
Folk-style dining room
Study ‘Versailles’
Meeting room interior design, the MIRT office
Exquisite bathroom interior
  • Windows
  • Textile
  • Wood
  • Stone
  • Design